About Me

I am a second year Ph.D. student (2023 Fall - Now) in Computer Science and Engineering at University of Notre Dame. I am supervised by Prof. Yanfang (Fanny) Ye and Prof. Chuxu Zhang. My research interest lies on machine learning, with the goal of developing effective, efficient, and generalizable models. Currently, my research centers on three main areas:

  • Graph Foundation Model: I am working on creating a unified framework to address the challenges posed by cross-domain and cross-task graphs (IJCAI24).

  • AI Alignment: I am exploring ways to design AI systems capable of handling tasks that are challenging for humans, with a focus on aligning AI behavior with human values.

  • Social Events: I am passionate about applying my work to solve real-world problems, particularly in healthcare and social analysis (KDD24).

To Friends: I enjoy engaging in conversations with friends and colleagues. Please feel free to reach out via email if you’re interested in our research, potential collaborations, or just wish to chat :) I am open to scheduling discussions at least twice a week.


  • [2024.08] I will be serving as a PC member for ICLR 2025.
  • [2024.07] I will be serving as a PC member for COLING 2024.
  • [2024.06] I will be serving as a PC member for NeurIPS 2024.
  • [2024.06] I will be serving as a PC member for AAAI 2024.
  • [2024.05] One paper was accepted by KDD 2024. Congratulations to my co-authors!
  • [2024.04] One paper was accepted by IJCAI 2024. Congratulations to my co-authors!
  • [2024.03] Receive the Travel Award Grand from SDM’24. Thanks SDM!
  • [2023.10] I will be serving as a PC member for COLING 2023.
  • [2023.08] I will be serving as a PC member for AAAI 2023.

Selected Publications

You can find the full list of my articles on Google Scholar profile.

(* indicates equal contribution.)

  • [IJCAI’24] Subgraph Pooling: Tackling Negative Transfer on Graphs. [paper] [code] [poster]
    Zehong Wang, Zheyuan Zhang, Chuxu Zhang, Yanfang Ye.

  • [KDD’24] Diet-ODIN: A Novel Framework for Opioid Misuse Detection with Interpretable Dietary Pattern. [paper] [code]
    Zheyuan Zhang*, Zehong Wang*, Shifu Hou, Evan Hall, Landon Bachman, Vincent Galassi, Jasmine White, Nitesh V Chawla, Chuxu Zhang, Yanfang Ye.

  • [SDM’23] Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Multi-view Learning. [paper] [code]
    Zehong Wang, Qi Li, Donghua Yu, Xiaolong Han, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Shigen Shen.


Journal Reviewer: TKDE, TDSC, TBD, TNNLS

Conference Reviewer/Program Committee: NeurIPS 2024, ICLR 2025, AAAI 2024, 2025, COLING 2024, 2025.


  • Email: zwang43 [at] nd [dot] edu
  • Office: 247 Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering
  • Location: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46565